
Md Ilias Kamal Risat, Bangladesh

Md Ilias Kamal Risat is a PhD researcher in medical anthropology/social anthropology at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School in the UK.

His PhD is exploring cultural understanding of ‘good death’ amongst the healthcare providers, dying patients and the family caregivers in the palliative care centres of Bangladesh. While doing the fieldwork in the middle of Covid-19 pandemic, he also explored how Covid-19 affected the end-of-life care provisions in Bangladesh.

He is interested to looking at death studies from a post-colonial perspective in his thesis. He delivered presentations in both DDD14 and DDD15 conferences on his ongoing research.

Previously, he worked as a research assistant in a community palliative care project in a slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He completed his undergraduate and masters programme in Sociology from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.