Julie Ellis

Julie Ellis

Julie Ellis is a sociologist, and her research focuses on everyday aspects of illness, death, dying and bereavement. She has explored personal relationships, social identity, material culture and memorialisation in a range of end-of life contexts – including hospices and in pregnancy and neonatal loss.

She is currently a Research Associate working as part of the Cripping Breath team at the University of Sheffield. Cripping Breath is a 5-year interdisciplinary programme of research funded by a Wellcome Trust Discovery Award and is led by Dr Kirsty Liddiard. Using a range of co-produced and creative approaches it seeks to generate a new cultural politics of respiration.

Julie is an editorial board member of the journal Mortality. She is also co-editor of Researching Death, Dying and Bereavement (2018) (with Erica Borgstrom and Kate Woodthorpe), and co-author (with Kate Reed and Elspeth Whitby) of a book entitled Understanding baby loss: The sociology of life, death, and post-mortem.

Julie previously co-led the University of Huddersfield’s Palliative and End of Life Care special interest group and was a co-convenor of the British Sociological Association’s Social Aspects of Death, Dying and Bereavement Study Group from 2013-2019.

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